Globalisation in the film industry and its ramifications for me as a knowledge worker.

Globalisation in the film industry and its ramifications for me as a knowledge worker.

What is globalisation? Globalisation refers to the communication and cooperation of individuals, businesses, and governments. This ideology influences the allocation of international commerce, from ideas to trade (Matusitz, 2011). Some academics trace the origins of globalization back to the third millennium BC (Andre Gunder, 1998). With human connection comes the impulse to share information and…

How important are influencers in visual entertainment?

How important are influencers in visual entertainment?

Intro In today’s global digital environment, the impact of social media and other digital platforms has transformed how we consume visual entertainment. Influencers’ popularity and effect have been a key development in the entertainment business. Inflers have a passionate following because to their ability to create entertaining material, making them a formidable force in altering…

Ways to Adapt Content for the Age of Social Media Entertainment

Ways to Adapt Content for the Age of Social Media Entertainment

Over the course of 26 years, social media has evolved from a basic communication medium to a formidable marketing platform. From the early days of Six Degrees to the development of TikTok and the launch of Threads, marketers have had to adapt to this ever-changing world. As a consequence, social media managers’ roles have evolved…

The Effect of Emerging Technology on the Media and Entertainment Industry

The Effect of Emerging Technology on the Media and Entertainment Industry

Introduction Recent and developing technology has had an impact on how we communicate, work, learn, and operate. As technology advances, the prospects for fast technical developments seem to be unlimited, but so do the ethical concerns. This paper assesses the advent of Artificial Emotional Intelligence (A.E.I.) and its potential influence on the UK media and…

Using Low-Cost Immersive 360° Video Technology to Enhance Core Skills in Journalism Classes

Using Low-Cost Immersive 360° Video Technology to Enhance Core Skills in Journalism Classes

Introduction While immersive media, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and associated 360° video technologies, have been around for decades, their availability to consumers has increased dramatically since 2016. The rising availability of immersive technological tools, ranging from low-cost VR viewer headsets to higher-end, more costly devices such as the Oculus and HTC Vive, has boosted…

The effect of emerging media technologies on mass communication education and practice.

The effect of emerging media technologies on mass communication education and practice.

The incorporation of information and communication technology into mass communication has completely transformed both the communication system and society at large. The new advances in information and communication media technologies have emphasized the significance of education policy in mass communication. Indeed, the digitization of communication has changed conventional and ethical media practices, allowing non-professional media…

The key to having a large influence is to communicate effectively and ethically.

The key to having a large influence is to communicate effectively and ethically.

Simply said, mass communication is the large-scale dissemination or exchange of information to a diverse audience. It is the process of developing, transmitting, receiving, and assessing communications for a large audience. A message conveys substance and character, but the medium is the most important aspect of the communication process. The key to having a large…

The Role of Animation in Entertainment

The Role of Animation in Entertainment

Animation has enabled storytellers to express themselves in exciting, dramatic, and unique ways. They were able to create a universe capable of reigniting enchantment and inspiration. If you like storytelling and have seriously considered becoming a storyteller, animation is a great place to start. In addition, the area of animation has expanded dramatically in recent…

Power of Humour as a Marketing Strategy

Power of Humour as a Marketing Strategy

Humor is more than simply laughing; it’s a strong tool for converting companies into relatable, memorable products. By incorporating humor into marketing, firms adopt a humanized character, generating emotional ties that go beyond the transactional basis of consumption. Humour has shown to be an effective marketing technique, transcending its status as a simple source of…